Enrique G. Murillo, Jr., Ph.D.
College of Education
The College of Education faculty fully support the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Faculty members will provide reasonable accommodations to any student with a disability who is registered with the Office of Services to Candidates with Disabilities and who needs and requests accommodations. Reasonable accommodations may involve allowing a student to use an interpreter, note taker or reader. Accommodations may be needed during class sessions and for administration of examinations. The intent of the ADA in requiring consideration of reasonable accommodation is not to give a particular student an unfair advantage over other Candidates, but simply to allow Candidates with disabilities to have an equal opportunity to be successful.
If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please let me know ASAP and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at UH-183, (909) 537-5238.
For the Palm Desert Campus: contact Rosie Garza in Services to Students with Disabilities at the Palm Desert Campus in RG-209, 760-341-2883 extension 78117.